MicroPort® MedBot® Domestic Robotic Surgical System Completes the First Radical Gastrectomy in South China
2021-12-20 GMT+8 AM 09:31

Changsha, China - December 14, 2021: MicroPort MedBot (Group) Co., Ltd. (referred to as "MicroPort® MedBot®"), a Shanghai-based company specializing in medical robotics, announced that Professor Hongliang Yao, Director of the Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery at the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, and his team have successfully completed two consecutive robotic-assisted surgeries using the MedBot® surgical robot. These surgeries included a radical gastrectomy and a radical colectomy for colon cancer. The radical gastrectomy case represents the first successful robotic-assisted gastrectomy for gastric cancer in South China using the Chinese-developed produced Toumai®. Professor Hongliang Yao and his team have completed four clinical trial cases this week, further validating the safety and effectiveness of the Toumai® in the field of gastrointestinal surgery.





▲ Professor Hongliang Yao and assistant Professor Kuijie Liu used Toumai ® endoscopic surgical robot

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